Upstaged over many years by metros, buses and cars, trams are now making a major comeback. With its Citadis trams, Alstom is now the driving force behind this renewal of interest. Trams can greatly improve the quality of urban transport and often give a new lease of life to city centres. To date 1000 Citadis solutions have been commissioned from 24 cities around the world including Paris, Melbourne, Tunis, Algiers, Barcelona, Dublin, Madrid, Tenerife and Rotterdam. 30 other cities are also planning to introduce trams in the next three years.
Key facts about the Citadis:
-Powered by clean energy -Carries the same number of passengers as three busses or 150 cars
-Uses 4 times less energy than a bus and 10 time less than a car
-Provides passengers with a comfortable and pleasant ride
-Uses unique onboard monitoring and passenger information system called Agate e-Media
-Each client can customise the style of their trams to reflect a city or area to best effect
-Uses 4 times less energy than a bus and 10 time less than a car
-Provides passengers with a comfortable and pleasant ride
-Uses unique onboard monitoring and passenger information system called Agate e-Media
-Each client can customise the style of their trams to reflect a city or area to best effect
31 October 2008
Nota: Só esta empresa já forneceu mais de 1000 eléctricos para 24 cidades, principalmente na Europa, entre 1997 e 2007. Lisboa nunca mais investiu neste tipo de transporte público desde a inauguração do eléctrico de nova geração entre a Praça da Figueira e Algés em 1995. Está na altura de Lisboa voltar a ser uma cidade de eléctricos!
Foto: os novos eléctricos para DIJON e BREST
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